” When Jesus looked up he saw some wealthy people putting their offerings into the treasury and he noticed a poor widow putting in two small coins. He said, “I tell you truly, this poor widow put in more than all the rest; for those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” “
LK 21:1-4
” Stay awake! For you do not know when the Son of Man will come. “
Mt 24:42a, 44
The Humble Servants are set up as a genuine act of kindness with one sole purpose which is to kindly spread an ounce of light to others in our daily walk of life! Feel free to forward the daily message to family or friends! May the Lord Bless you!
Humble Servant 747 | 1201 Fannin Street, Suite 262, Houston, TX 77002
Humble Servant is a non-profit organization established to spread the words of love, hope, and the light of God across the globe.